You’ve recognized that you need assistance. You’ve realized that a flexible, virtual option might be best for you. You’re ready to perform your due diligence and identify the best solution as an educated consumer for the best possible Virtual Assistant recommendation. What next? Here’s how it works:
1. Peruse our American Virtual Assistants
2. Contact us for a consultation
3. Interview three candidates of your choice
4. Select the right Virtual Assistant for you, and GO!
During the phone consultation, we’ll take the time to learn more about you and your business, your specific needs, what you’re comfortable delegating and what expertise you need your Virtual Assistant to come aboard with (technology, specific programs or fields of study) to hit the ground running. We’ll also ask you about availability – do you need your assistant to be available during the mornings, afternoons, evenings? In effect, we are “interviewing” you just as you are “interviewing” us, to make sure we match you with the right assistant for you.
Then, we will make a Virtual Assistant recommendation. Perhaps you’re seeking a social media strategist with an eye for detail and a firm hand in technology. If so, we’ll introduce you to Aviva. If you are seeking a project manager who is comfortable working with C-level executives, we’ll recommend you speak with Susan. Our goal is to make sure you are working with the right person for you and for your business. Once we’ve spoken with you regarding the options, we’ll send you the detailed resumes and billing rates of our employees immediately, so you know exactly who we are talking about, what they can potentially do for you, and what it will cost.
In addition, we will also send you our contract, which you can sign and return virtually, and a link to remit the signup fee, which you can pay online with a credit card. We try to make the process as easy and concise as possible. After all, you’re considering a Virtual Assistant in an effort to make your life easier, not harder!
The one time $199 signup fee earns you 14 days to interview as many potential assistants as you feel is appropriate. We always encourage our clients to interview at least two candidates, if not three, to find the best match. Not only are we seeking the ideal skill set for your business, but we also want this person to be the right personality and culture match as well. This is a person with whom you will be working long term and interacting regularly – so, we want the decision to be the right one and to make sure you ‘click’ with your assistant! Interviews are all conducted via phone and we can help with interview questions if you’d prefer. As all of our assistants have American phone lines, they can easily call you or you can reach out to them directly.
After you’ve interviewed the candidates, you select which one you believe is the best fit for you – we’re happy to walk you through that decision if you’d like, to help you weigh the options. We know each candidate’s skills and abilities as well as how they work with their other clients so we can often lend some assistance to the decision-making process. Once you’ve selected a VA you can begin working with them immediately.
About two weeks into the relationship (once you and your new Virtual Assistant have gotten to know each other and have mapped out the work) we will conduct a Training Call. This call includes you, your VA, and a member of our Management Team. The purpose of this call is to logistically manage how the work is to be delegated, communicated, performed and documented. We lend a hand establishing processes, expectations, suggesting appropriate technology, resources and referrals. This is an opportunity to give initial feedback on the relationship and tweak communication to best suit your needs. It also highlights best practices to work virtually; our ‘tips and tricks of the trade’ that other clients have utilized and appreciated.
The client and VA are in touch very regularly, both via email and phone. We cater individually to how our clients prefer to communicate – some clients are technologically very savvy and highly comfortable with electronic correspondence. Others prefer to give direction via phone. We had one client who spoke to his VA via phone for one hour every day, six days per week, for three years!
Our work week is Sunday – Thursday and our VAs are all available until 5pm EST. In addition, our VAs often work early morning hours Israel time, which is the middle of the night in the United States. Therefore, when the client wakes up, the work is done and the inbox is clear! Many of our clients refer to this as “getting their work done in their sleep” and they enjoy waking up to a clean desk. As we encourage our employees to maintain a healthy balance between work and outside interests, we do not permit them to perform work on Saturdays. Some of our VA’s choose to work on Fridays and some do not – we do not require it.
We stay very much involved and invested in the VA-Client relationship. Our “door” is always open when you (or your VA) need suggestions, tips or management assistance. Our Management Team is easily accessible by both email and phone any time.