Getting over Writer's Block | Virtual Assistant IsraelWays to get beyond writer's block

Getting Over Writer's Block

6 tips to test out when you’re stuck

Getting back into the swing of work life after a vacation or busy season means sometimes our brains feel tired. That jaded feeling lingers, and as much you don’t want your work to suffer, motivation wanes and you’re stuck in a bad cycle. We’ve written about burnout before, but what happens when you’re content writer and you need to meet deadlines? How do you get that energy back? How do you rekindle your voice and get those words on the page?

Here are some of my favorite techniques for getting into the groove:

Consider your optimal work time

Are you a morning person or do you find yourself most productive during the quiet hours of the night? Maybe you need to break up your tasks and schedule yourself differently. Test out different routine until you find what works. And when it stops working, don’t be afraid to alter again.

Can you change anything about your environment?

Do you need a good cup of tea or fresh coffee? Do you have a good playlist? How’s the temperature in your space? Is there anything distracting like, like your phone or social media? Consider how your physical environment may be contributing to writer’s block and make a positive change.

Get out of your space

Pounding the project won’t get you anywhere, besides increasing your stress levels and agitating yourself for not getting enough time. Instead, call a timeout and go for a walk. Ponder your topic away from the keyboard (or pen and paper if you flow better that way. You might find that simply the act of writing does get juices going. Try that strategy).

Read something related to your topic for inspiration

This could get you thinking about what you want to write, and trigger some ideas. Sometimes the research stage is more fun than the writing itself and you may find that will get you the right motivation and preparation to remove the hurdles.

Make short deadlines

After I’ve tried some other tactics, I like setting a timer for 10-20 minutes force to myself to write something. It doesn’t have to be good, and many times this draft text doesn’t even make the final cut. It can be an outline. But nibbling on the project without a big commitment is not intimidating and is enough to help me feel like I will finish it. Getting started is often the hardest park.

Tackle the project upside down

This is similar to the previous tip. Just start writing, even if it’s only an outline of your main points, the introduction and conclusion, or one section. Type away and see where you flow. Don’t judge yourself if the text is any good; simply work to get something down. It’s easier to edit than create from scratch.

Combat the blockade and find something that helps the creative juices flow. What works best for you? How did you break through? Share with us in a comment below!


 Submitted by Daniela