In 2003, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution designating October as “National Work and Family Month.” President Barack Obama in 2010 issued a presidential statement in support of this initiative to encourage and develop more family-friendly work environments. The goal is to help people manage their home and work responsibilities so they can be the best version of themselves!
In this blog, we’re going to explore some suggested policies and tips for maximizing work-life balance!
As a virtual assistant, we tend to have more flexibility than traditional employees. Flexibility is a huge perk for maintaining healthy home and work spheres. Yet this can often turn into being always “on call.” It’s important to clarify expectations and develop a mutual understanding of work-life balance, even as a remote worker.
Here are some additional workplace policies that help everyone with work-life balance:
While these typically come from management, employees can request or advocate for these values to be integrated into their workplace.
Scheduling is imperative for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Block off working hours and arrange specific hours for at-home tasks and quality time with the family to keep up with the demands of every aspect of your life. Develop a routine and communicate it to your colleagues, clients, partners, and children. Sometimes we need to keep scheduled down to the minute, but keeping tasks as small and defined as possible makes us more efficient!
Delegating tasks means you can unload your pressure, whether at home or at work. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Recruit assistants when your load is too much. Even small children can do little tasks at home. When you give up trying to do it all and find support, you’ve found the smart route to success. Remember, even superheroes have sidekicks!
Letting go of perfection may alleviate stress and increase your productivity. Accept that working from home is rough. Balancing your personal and family life is tough. You will have hard days and you will make mistakes… because you’re human! So be kind to yourself, change your perspective, and lower your expectations.
Taking time out for yourself and building yourself up will increase your purpose and drive. Even if your calendar has an empty slot, that does not mean you have to fill it. Keep that time for yourself. Expand your network with similarly minded people and share your struggles and insights. Spend time with friends and family who will lift you up and support your work-life balance efforts. Another tool is to take a regular self-assessment to ask yourself and what worked well and what could be better.
What helps you maintain a better work-life balance? Send us your tips!