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What are SEO and PPC and which is right for your business?

Put 60 Virtual Assistants, over 300 clients and 7 years into a pot, whisk furiously, and out comes some collectively powerful outsourcing experience.  We began this Virtual Assistant blog to showcase recommended tools and talents. We’ve learned a lot about propelling entrepreneurs to success in their fields of choice. The blog's purpose is to introduce you to the Virtual Assistant realm. We'd like the opportunity to walk you through what we do, how well we do it, and how much we love it.  We enjoy being “the guy behind the guy” and making everything look effortless.

We invite you to peruse our tips and expertise on marketing, SEO, ghost writing, social media, blogging, event planning, efficiency and more. Learn about what your Virtual Assistant can do for you, for your business, targeting your audience, in your niche.

May 10, 2014

SEO vs. PPC – The Entrepreneur’s Guide

What’s the difference between SEO and PPC, and how do you choose where to focus? SEO refers to search engine optimization and is the process of letting the search engines […]
Apr 27, 2014

What’s the Right Social Media Channel for You?

8 steps to determining where to spend your time, money and energy Getting the word out about your business on social media is crucial. The sheer abundance of websites out […]
Apr 7, 2014

Marketing Your Brand with Google Suggest

You know that annoying person who always finishes your sentences for you? Ever noticed how Google seems more and more like that? Just start searching for “how to scramble eggs” […]
Mar 31, 2014

5 Vital Website Decisions You Need to Make Before Talking to a Web Developer

Setting up a new business and dreaming of creating the perfect website to represent it? The internet is a big noisy place so it’s easy to get contradictory advice about […]
Mar 22, 2014

Are You Advertising for an Enthusiastic Team Player? Don’t.

Your calendar is booked solid. Your phone is ringing off the hook. You haven’t had a haircut in months. You’re busy. So busy, in fact, that although you realize it’s […]
Mar 16, 2014

Keep Calm and Communicate

There are many ways to deal with an upset client, specifically the yelling type of client. I guess most people would simply like to yell right back at them, hang […]