What Can a Virtual Assistant Do? Anything

I’d Do Anything For You, Dear, Anything

How I create balance in your life
what can a virtual assistant do

What Can a Virtual Assistant Do? Anything!

I am your Virtual Assistant. In Israel. What can a Virtual Assistant do for you? I can do anything. Need me to make a vet appointment for your cat? Fluffy’s covered.

Are you brilliant at what you do, but struggle with focusing, prioritizing and logistics? I’ll sit on the other end of the line with you, across an ocean, watching your screen to make sure you keep on task. (Two Minute Rule, anyone?)

Need me to manage a team of people who are 3,000 miles away from you, but 5,000 away from me? Don’t worry, they’ll feel like I’m right there with them.

Hotel plans fall through as you’re boarding your plane? No problem – you’ll have a pillow upon which to lay your weary head when you land in a strange city and won’t ever need to know how many people, time zones and languages were involved to make that happen. And you won’t care. And you don’t have to.

When there’s a natural disaster where you live, you have no power. I can, from two continents away, keep your website running, handle your social media and send critical communications to your clients while you focus on the important stuff – like making sure your family is safe.

Yes, I can do anything you need. It’s my job and my mission to support busy entrepreneurs by helping to ease the burden so they can spend more of their time on business-growing activities and in their personal lives. I create balance.

Work with JenniferSubmission by Jennifer